I hope you have had a wonderful start to the year. We have had some very weird weather in Sydney rain, humidity and peeps of sunshine. Madge Goods is already a month old - only?? wow I feel at least a year older... so much that has changed in our lives.

Me, working in the store has been a challenge having worked behind a computer for many many years, talking about and selling our own goods is a strange mix of pride, fulfillment and awkward self-consciousness. I have enjoyed meeting the people who come to browse, chat and am so very grateful for the support. At the moment, I am a one woman show wearing a multiplicity of hats. My daily routine is always busy and never dull: make lunch for kids and wave goodbye, run heaps of errands such as picking up zips, dropping off card patterns to be digitized or picking up the latest production cuts to be dropped off at our maker, open shop doors 11-5, back to mum duties like picking up someone from dance or going to swim lessons, make dinner that all 4 critiques will like, then some anesthetizing tv or do some more bits and bobs on the computer to get the next lot of ideas and designs moving, then bed ahhhh... despite the exhaustion I am living my dream and happy to report I am still here smiling.

Madge Goods - Broadsheet
Last week we were thrilled to be included on Broadsheet/Sydney and thank Pilar Mitchell for the words and Rachel Yabsley for the photos.

Madge Goods - You Are Brave
A day later we had another exciting visit from Michelle, a textile designer who creates beautiful hand printed textiles. Our interview is on her blog You Are Brave  which showcases other creatives who work with textiles, and we are chuffed to be included.


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