Need a bit of a revolutionary education on fashion? This just might adjust our buying behavior or at least make us think twice. Watch ABC’s War on Waste episode 3, Tuesday 30th May 8:30pm.
I get a real thrill when I get to talk a little deeper about our business with customers, connecting and listening to their reasons they are buying from us. At Madge we champion intentional conscious consumption, enduring design, mending and repairing, buying natural fibers over synthetic, buying well made clothes, choosing best of what we have access to have make our pieces and taking part in clothes exchanges. It is an exciting time to be in fashion, it is the tipping point where we are seeing conscious decisions being made when buying, all helping with the war on fast fashion environmental waste. Madge doesn’t want to be part of the negative side of fashion and in building up our new business we try and make considered choices that can be challenging to maintain. We choose to use natural fibers, make in small batches, selling till sold out, creating a constant trendless collection sold throughout the year rather than following the fast fashion calendar. We are endeavoring to create a thriving, sustainable slow fashion business and hope you will choose to meet us there.